It is very important for me to explain how I price translations. Usually I do not quote prices before seeing the text, or a sample of the document to be translated. This is to ensure our expectations are the same and that there is no miscommunication about the content.
For a free, no obligation estimate of cost and turn-around time for your translation project, please send a representative sample, including the time frame, target population and any other pertinent information, by email, fax or regular mail. My rates are determined by volume, technical wording, complexity, and time constraints. For an exact quote, please contact me directly.
Rates |
Price per source word in MS Word Non-Technical 0,07€ - 0,09€ per source word Technical 0,09€ - 0,12€ per source word (depending on technicality)
Fees will vary according to the following: |
Priority: normal, night and/or weekend processing required. Level of difficulty: Simple: Straightforward business correspondence. Medium: Level of knowledge within a sector required of the translator for any given text i.e. common appliances instructions manuals, text drafting, advertising materials...etc. Complex: Product specifications and information; text which requires highly specialized knowledge (i.e. physics, chemistry, mechanical engineering, medicine etc.). Length of the text to be translated (notable discounts made on texts of 15,000 or more characters). Additional costs i.e. special formatting and/or conversion work. Format in which text is supplied by the client (paper, fax, html, digital, PDF etc.). Other special client requirements. |